It has become normal to watch more Netflix than sunsets.
It has become normal to pass five people in the forest, and not get greeted once.
It has become normal to watch terrified and hungry children on the screen of your choice.
It has become normal to cut old trees for new roads, to replace old villages with new mines.
It has become normal to torture animals so we can satisfy our taste buds.
It has become normal to spend more money on big cars than on big dreams.
It has become normal that normal food isn't organic, and normal medicine rarely natural.
It has become normal to let other human beings drown and freeze and suffocate all alone.
It has become normal to lock doors.
It has become normal to be called anti-scientific when you ask questions.
It has become normal to exploit and ignore the people of the Global South.
It has become normal for the rich to get so rich they can fly into space.
Makes me wonder... When will we choose to become courageous and human, and stop being normal?